Large Interior Fossils & Artifacts

This section houses a vast collection of large interior fossils and artifacts. From a Woolly Rhinoceros Skull and Mayan Monkey Masks to a European Ice Age Bison Skull with Horns and a Woolly Mammoth Humerus Bone, this collection offers a varied glimpse into the prehistoric world.

LM12-045 Woolly Rhinoceros Skull

Found Location:
Rhine River- Germany

34" Long Overall. Minor restoration on the skull is limited to crack filling. Lower Jaw with more restoration to the condyles, anterior end, and some lower bone portions. All teeth are authentic. unusually large with exceptional bone preservation.

Price: $80,000

The Woolly Rhinoceros lived in European and Asian countries about 350,000 years ago. They were characterized by two “horns” much like their descendants, the rhinoceros. However, they had a thick and shaggy coat of hair wrapped around their body to help with the cold climates they lived in. Appearing in cave paintings, the woolly rhinoceros appeared to have co-existed with humans. Despite their large size they seem to have been a source of food for the early human.

LM8-108 Woolly Mammoth Humerus Bone

Found Location:
North Sea Bed - Holland

Complete with repair and about 5% restoration to proximal end by a ball joint. Exceptional preservation and detail - unbroken other than joint repair.

Price: $6,000

LMX078 European Ice Age Skull With Horns

Found Location:
River Gravel Deposit - Rhine River - Germany

Exceptional preservation with complete upper cranium and horn. There is a single Fracture repair to the right horn, and no fabrication - 100% authentic.

Price: $6,000

This skull belonged to the Steppe Bison - an extinct species of bison that used to live during the Ice age. The Steppe Bison were found in many areas in the northern hemisphere during the late middle Pleistocene era.

BU010 Giant Solnhofen Grasshopper Jurassic Fossil

Found Location:
Solnhofen Plattenkalk Formation - Eichstatt, Germany

Body is 5.5" in length. Single repair down middle of plate, otherwise complete and intact. Deep impression of head, legs, and foreparts. Fossil highlighted for contrast with enhanced antennae.

Price: $5,000

PCXX001 Pre Columbian Cocle Pedestal Bowl

1000-800 A.D.

Found Location:
Gran Cocle - Central America

10" Diameter with a painted abstract linear Design of a face on the interior. Restoration to limited areas including pedestal base - 10-15% overall. Large and impressive.

Price: $4,000

PC220 Pre Columbian Nazca Bird Bowl

100-800 A.D.

Found Location:
Southwest Coastal South America

6.8" Diameter Repaired with restoration to the pigment. The bowl is an exceptional piece with a variety of different aquatic birds painted around the rim.

Price: $4,000

PCXX01 Pre Columbian Mayan Monkey Masks

350-600 A.D.

Found Location:
Central America

Each 5" X 5". Original set of 3 clay monkey masks, one with holes for eyes, the other two life-like. Very rare to have a complete original set like this. No repair or restoration - intact.

Price: $8,000

LMX084 Steppe Bison Fossil Jaw

Found Location:
River Gravel Deposit - South Central Europe

No repair or restoration - 100% authentic as found with original teeth.

Price: $300

PL053 Carboniferous Plant / Sigillaria Sp. Trunk Section

Upper Carboniferous Period: 325 Million Years Ago

Found Location:
Siodlowy Beds (upper Silesia Coal Beds) - SW Poland

100% Authentic with no restoration or repair.

Price: $300

BIV014 Large Scallop Shell Grouping

Upper Miocene Period; 11.6-5.3 Million years ago

Found Location:

100% Natural association of fossil with no fabrication.

Price: $5,000


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